Media Council of Tanzania executive secretary
Kajubi Mukajanga (C ) and Editors Forum representative Jesse Kwayu
display investigative report on the killing of Channel Ten TV journalist
Daud Mwangosi by the police at Nyololo village in Mufindi district,
Iringa region, which was compiled by a special team formed by MCT and
the Editors Forum. The function was held in Dar es Salaam yesterday.
(Photo: Selemani Mpochi)
The report which was released by MCT
Executive Secretary, Kajubi Mukajanga in Dar es Salaam yesterday
indicated that Mwangosi was killed in cold blood at the hands of the
police and under the close watch of the Iringa Regional Police Commander
(RPC) Michael Kamuhanda.
Mukajanga said the report is abundantly
supported by the facts collected from the field as well as by a review
of video and other incriminating media output.
He said that the argument of mistaken
identity is invalid, because police chased, beat up and harmed working
journalists who they knew very well.
“Up to now, official statements over the
killing of Mwangosi remain confusing. From the beginning, a massive
cover-up was evident” he said.
According to the report, released by MCT,
relations between Iringa Regional authorities including the police and
journalists based there had been tense and suspicious since the last
quarter of 2011, said Mukajanga.
Mukajanga gave an example of ITV
Journalist Laurean Mkumbata who was severely beaten up in November, last
year and his camera deliberately smashed by the then Iringa Officer
Commanding District (OCD) Mohamed Semunyu.
He further said Iringa based journalists
had also been maltreated by regional authorities while covering the Vice
President’s tour in late February this year, adding that they had to
take shelter inside a passenger bus they were travelling in as
authorities allegedly ignored providing hotel accommodation.
However the probe team questioned why even
before findings by the media and government investigation teams were
made public, a police constable was arrested and charged with murder.
The report said picking only the junior
police officer when at least six other officers under the close watch
and direct command of RPC Kamuhanda are closely associated with the
journalist’s harassment, torture and killing, baffles logic.
The report indicates that there were some
journalists from Dar es Salaam who covered the skirmishes at Nyololo
village pitting Chadema leaders and cadres against police, and in the
interviews with the MCT probe team, the journalists wondered aloud why
it was only their Iringa colleagues who were targeted.
However, the investigation by the MCT team could not establish if the killing of Mwangosi was pre-meditated.
For his part, the Union of Tanzania Press
Club (UTPC), Executive Director, Abubakar Karsan said the country’s
record has been marred and it has now joined list of countries which
beat, harm and kill journalists.
Karsan added that there have been
conflicts between journalist and the police for a long time over the
right to have access to information.
“Police think that they are the ones with
right to access information without knowing that journalists have the
right to seek, have and report the information concerning everything,
including the police force” said Karsan.
Reached for comment the Legal and Human
Rights Centre (LHRC) Executive Director Helen Kijo-Bisimba questioned
the logic of the government forming a probe team and at the same time
filing a case against the police officer.
Bisimba said there was no need for government to prosecute the police constable while aware that the investigation was underway.
She added that the case could have involved many police officers and not only the junior officer.
The Guardian contacted Attorney General Frederick Werema for comments on the report, but he said he had yet to read the reports.
University of Dar es Salaam Senior
Lecturer Professor Abudallah Safari said the media should play its role
of informing the public on what has been revealed in the reports.
Safari added that the government through
the minister of Home Affairs must come up with genuine findings
indicating the source and the person who committed the murder and make
them public.
Mwangosi was killed in September 2 this year in skirmishes between police and Chadema followers at Nyololo village in Iringa.
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